Let's dye Tenugui with trees in the park
2023年7月30日 10:00 AM-12:30pm
Let's make a dye solution using the extracted seedlings (meaning a tree that grows from a seed) and dye tenugui.
[Date and time]
July 30 (Sun) 10:00am-12:30pm
Kuwabukuro Biotope Park
Elementary school students and above (Parental application is also required for elementary school second graders and under)
[Entry fee]
300 yen (material cost)
20 people (by lot)
[How to apply]
You can apply directly at the window of Ayasegawa Seiryukan building in Kuwabukuro Biotope Park, or send fax or a double postal card to Kuwabukuro Biotope Park, in which you state clearly the address, name, furigana, age, grade, phone number, and fax number of all applicants and the event name "Let's dye Tenugui using the trees in the park".
※ You can not apply by phone.
[Application deadline]
Must reach us by Tuesday 11 July