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- 47th Adachi Fireworks (2025)
47th Adachi Fireworks (2025)
Saturday, May 31, 2020 7:20pm - 8:20pm
※ 荒天の場合は中止(順延なし)
天候による中止基準はClick here
Arakawa Riverbed (between Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line Bridge and Nishiarai Bridge)
Number of launches
Approximately 13,000 rounds
*Enjoy the "high density fireworks" that are a feature of the "Adachi Fireworks", with approximately 13,000 shots launched per hour.
Call for Advertising
金 額 1口5万5,000円(税込、何口でも可)
Companies/organizations advertising sizes vary according to how many units they paid.
Application deadline令和7年2月12日(水)必着
申込方法 申込用紙、広告原稿を(一財)足立区観光交流協会 へ郵送・FAXのいずれかで提出
* The application form is distributed by Adachi City Tourism and Exchange Association and can also be downloaded from the following link.
金 額 1隻5万5,000円(税込)
対 象 観覧船(屋形船)の船主・関係者など
* Pleasure boats are not allowed
定 数 西新井橋側エリア(Aエリア) 20隻
千住新橋側エリア(Bエリア) 30隻
申込開始 令和7年2月5日(水)午前9時から ※ 先着順
Application deadline令和7年5月12日(月)必着 ※ 募集数に達しない場合でも締切
申込方法 申込用紙、船舶検査証書の写しを(一財)足立区観光交流協会 へ郵送・持参・ファクスのいずれかの方法で提出
* The application form is distributed by Adachi City Tourism and Exchange Association and can also be downloaded from the following link.
その他 申込状況は、適時、当協会ホームページに掲載します。
Sale of paid seats
Watch the powerful video
↓↓Click here to watch the opening and finale videos of the 45th Adachi Fireworks Event↓↓
The 46th Adachi Fireworks, scheduled for Saturday, July 20, 2024, was canceled 25 minutes before it was due to a sudden thunderstorm approaching. In addition, the number of visitors suffering from heatstroke due to the extreme heat increased, and a security guard was rushed to the hospital.
Until now, the Adachi Fireworks Festival has been held every year in late July, but due to health risks such as heatstroke and the risk of cancellation due to weather (wind and rain, thunder, typhoons, temperature, etc.), we have been considering the timing of the festival, including whether to continue holding it in the summer.
After careful consideration, we have decided to reschedule the event to the end of May, when the risk of heatstroke and cancellation is lowest.
Reason for change
1 近年の気候変動を踏まえ、観覧者や運営スタッフの猛暑による熱中症等の健康上のリスクを避けるため
2 ゲリラ豪雨や雷、台風による中止のリスクが低いため
1 風速7m以上の風が10分以上継続している。
2 Heavy rain warning and flood warning are issued.
3 There is a possibility of lightning strike or lightning strike near the firework launch site.
※ 大雨注意報、雷注意報等の注意報が発令されている場合でも、危険と予想される場合は中止します。