Emyo-ji temple

Name of facility Emyo-ji temple
Overview It is said that Emyo-ji temple was founded at the end of the Heian period, but it is uncertain.
The name is Sango; Miyagisan, Ingo; Enmein, and Jigo; Emyoji temple. 
It was a main branch temple having 11 branches under the direct control of Daigoji-Sanbo-in temple in Kyoto. But after that, it belonged to the Buzan school of Shingon sect and became the independent temple of Shingon sect after separating from others in 1953.
The principal image was originally Fudo Myoo, but the temple was dedicated to Amida Nyorai by absorbing Enmei-ji temple, which was a branch temple in Odaidaimon, Kohoku village, due to the renovation work of Arakawa in 1876.
The current principal image, Amida Nyorai statue, is derived from a sad tradition of Adachi-Hime, who threw herself into the Arakawa river. According to tradition, Buddhist priest, Gyoki carved six Amida Nyorai statues out of one secrad tree and enshrined them respectively in six temples. The statue of Emyo-ji temple is the second one.
The tour of Edo Six Amida statues, which was a visit of six temples on both banks of the Arakawa (current the Sumidagawa), became prosperous in the late Edo period, and it became a customary event of the locals held on the equinox day of both spring and autumn, especially among women, as it geographically took a full day to visit all on foot.
In recent years, the temple attracts many people from infants to the elderly. Because there is a weeping cherry tree in front of the main hall in the precincts, and the cherry blossoms are lit up when they bloom, and on the first Saturday night of April, an event; Weeping cherry Evening is held, where the main deity, Amida Nyorai statue is lit up and you can enjoy a concert in the main hall and also original cocktails.
Address 2-4-3 Kohoku Adachi
Access 2 min. walk from Arakawa-dote stop of Toei Bus for Ikebukuro Station East Exit from Nishiarai Station (West Exit) of Tobu Skytree Line
10 min. walk from Koya Station (West Exit) of Nippori-Toneri Liner​ ​
10 min. walk from Ogi-ohashi Station (West Exit) of Nippori-Toneri Liner
Map Google map
Contact 03-3890-0897



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