Kadono-Meshiya (Kadonomeshiya)

Did you know that Adachi Market, one of the kitchens that supply food in Tokyo, has several restaurants that open early in the morning for the people who work there?

At this restaurant, which celebrates the taste of nostalgia, you can enjoy ramen as well as fresh seafood dishes unique to the market.

It seems that there are many regular customers who want "Hachinohe Ramen" not only for those in the market but also for general customers.

AddressAdachi Market, 50 Senju Hashido-cho, Adachi-kuGoogle map
Business hours7:00~14:00
Regular holidaySundays, national holidays, and market closed days
ReservationNot available
Takeaway bookingAvailable
Seat19 seats
Wi-Fi connectionNone
AccessAbout 4 minutes walk from Senju-Ohashi Station on the Keisei Main Line
Measures against new coronavirusThorough employees' washing hands, wearing a mask and taking temperature, and rearranging seats to social distance specifications, thorough ventilation, disinfecting hands and fingers when customers enter the shop

*The contents of this page are based on the article "In search of nostalgic, gentle flavors: Ramen of Senju."
*This information is current as of July 28, 2023.

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