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About the date of the 43rd Adachi Fireworks in 2021
The date of Adachi Fireworks in 2021 is November 6 (Sat), 2021
Every year, Adachi Fireworks is held on the Saturday of the week before the last week of July. It is supposed to be held on Saturday 24 July 2021, but it falls on the duration of Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, in addition to the current circumstances. We have carefully considered the date with related organizations. Accordingly, it was decided after consideration of ensuring the safety and security of visitors, avoiding the typhoon season.
The final decision to hold the event will be made carefully judging from the situation of infectious diseases in the future, and the guidelines on preventing the spread of infection set by the national government, Tokyo, and Adachi City.
* The photo is taken on 20 July 2019, The 41st Adachi Fireworks
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