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Experience measures against bark beetles and try your hand at growing mushrooms on felled trees!


date May 19th 10:00am-12:00pm


Experience measures against bark beetles and try your hand at growing wood ear mushrooms on felled trees.

*The bark beetle is an insect that carries the fungus that causes oak wilt (a disease in which the leaves of beech trees (acorn trees) suddenly turn red and die in summer or autumn).

[Date and time]

Sunday, May 19th, 10:00am-12:00pm


Kuwabukuro Biotope Park


3rd grade and above

[Entry fee]

100 yen


20 people (by lot)

[How to apply]

You can apply directly at the window of Ayasegawa Seiryukan building in Kuwabukuro Biotope Park, or send fax or a double postal card to Kuwabukuro Biotope Park, in which state clearly name, furigana, age, grade, telephone and fax number of all applicants, and wish to join "Experience measures against bark beetles and try your hand at growing wood ear mushrooms on felled trees".

※ You can not apply by phone.

[Application deadline]

Must reach us by Wednesday, May 1st.

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